Free Guide: Establishing a Prayer Ministry

Where Is Your Heart?

When Nehemiah heard about the destruction of the wall of Jerusalem, his heart longed to be there with his people. He knew he needed to act, but wasn’t quite sure how.

Isn’t that where we find ourselves a lot of the time in regard to serving others or missions? We want to help, we want to be a part of what they are doing, we want to take action, but we just don’t know how. Many times when we talk to churches, they have the same response. “We want to do more in missions, we just don’t know where to start.”

Start with prayer.

When our hearts long for the nations, for our partners, for a deeper connection we need to act like Nehemiah and pray. Instead of just acting without thinking, Nehemiah stopped and prayed. In fact, before he even asked for help, he prayed and fasted many days.

Take time to pray and fast for your ministry and missionary partners. Invite others to join you on their behalf. When we can’t join them, we can pray for them.

We have created a free Prayer Team Guide that will help you establish a prayer ministry for your missions ministry. Fill out the form to download this free resource now. You’ll also be added to our email list to receive more helpful tools and ministry updates!

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