For Churches

We want every church to thrive in their role in the Great Commission.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Missions is just the beginning for the church. Missions opens doors for the whole church to reach the nations. H2T helps churches identify WHERE God is calling them to serve, WHO God is asking to GO and HOW they will TOGETHER reach the nations.

H2T’s team is ready to come alongside you, your staff, and your leadership. We bring you the needed resources and information to equip your church or ministry to work hand-in-hand with your missionary partners.

woman walking on street in india at sunrise

Every Great Commission Church has 3 main elements:


  • Pray for God’s leading and providing.
  • Be specific and intentional about where you serve.
  • Discover the best ways to reach your identified people groups and areas of service.


  • Identify the best ways to personally join your missionaries in the work.
  • Develop ways to engage the entire church through Missionary Support Teams.
  • Provide the needed connection and care for your missionaries.


  • Train everyone to live out a missional lifestyle.
  • Identify and equip individuals for full-time ministry.
  • Establish Short-Term, Mid-Term, and Long-Term sending options.
  • Understand how to receive your returning Sent Ones well.


H2T’s team is here to help you accomplish the vision and mission God has given you for your church and your ministry.  We can help establish clear goals and identify the best next steps and the right people who will help you bring that vision to life.

Ready to thrive as a Great Commission Church? Contact us today.

Missionary Care Mini-course

We will dive deep into the who, what, where, when, and why of missionary care, unpacking practical strategies and biblical principles that equip your church to support missionaries through every stage of their journey.