We want every missionary to thrive in their role in the Great Commission.
“I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me.” Philippians 4:10a
Our objective at Here2There is to close the gap between churches and missions. Every missionary needs partnership churches to not only support them to do ministry but join them in doing ministry. Our team is here to help you maximize the vision you’ve been given by establishing clear goals and identifying the best steps and the best people who will help you bring that vision to life.
Knowing what to do and how to do it are two very different things. Here2There helps missionaries define what their partnerships need to look like with their churches, identify ways the churches can be involved in ministry, create a clear invitation to the churches and maintain long-lasting partnerships that benefit both the missionary and the church.
Your H2T coach will walk alongside you to develop the right partnership plan for you and your ministry. Learn how to strategically invite churches to not just financially support you, but join you as you dream, plan and do ministry.
Discover what it means to be in a strategic partnership with your churches.
There is great value when churches and missionaries can work hand in hand. Learn how you can build others into your vision for ministry through better communication, clear invitations, giving back to your churches, and allowing them to dream and plan with you for the future. Learn how to ask for and maintain partnerships that will allow you to develop and grow the ministry and vision God has given you.
Turn your supporters into engaged, strategic partners to your mission.
Learn how to involve more people from your partnership and supporting churches by engaging and inviting others to join you. Learn how to engage and involve individuals in your partnering churches to be your advocates and your team leaders for ministry.
Create a source of learning and training to prepare your team to live out the missions life.
Through book studies, special trainings, and conferences, you can begin to prepare yourself, your team and your family for Great Commission work.
AMPD: AMPD is Here2There’s training resource for partnership development between churches and missionaries. The AMPD for Missionaries track, built for new and established missionaries, is a 6 session course that will help missionaries define what their partnerships need to look like with their churches, identify ways the churches can be involved in ministry, create a clear invitation to the churches and maintain long-lasting partnerships that benefit both the missionary and the church.
Vision Trips and Short-Term Journeys are an energizing tool for both churches and for missionary partners.
Personal experiences create an endless supply of open doors for missions. With each visitor you host, you have the opportunity to cast great vision of what could be, show them where they play a part in that vision, and how they can be a direct part of your ministry.
We can help you prepare for teams who visit you to make them more partnership-specific and be a good partner to your churches.