It is very obvious the flow of the church has changed. At one point the idea ‘if we build it they will come’ was very effective. People came because of conviction or culture or tradition and were simply just coming to the church on their own. But that system – and those reasons- is no longer effective. People are no longer coming to church just because.

Because of that change, churches have worked to make their services and ministries attractive and seeker-sensitive and by all means do whatever it takes to get people to church. But, what if we flipped the switch and started sending out people more than we tried to attract people. What if we begin to equip individuals in our churches, who are already there, and want to be there, to effectively go into their regular daily places and be just as impactful as the large programs or attractive ideas that we create would hope to accomplish.

Let’s cut out a step – and cut our budgets- in the process that we are trying to create. Instead of attracting them (spending money), trying to connect with them on our turf and then hoping they come back for more. Why don’t we just reach out and build relationships directly, that are more genuine and intentional and build from there.

Relational lines are the best way to connect, share and hopefully bring someone to Christ. Being intentional in our personal relationships, is far greater than trying to create an environment where relationships can possibly be created. We already have relationships with our neighbors, with our coworkers, with our children’s T-ball coaches and families. Let’s capitalize on the relationships we already have, be intentional about those, and pour out our resources into those areas where we already spend our time.

So, let’s take the time, effort and resources we have been putting into our programs and attractive pieces and begin equipping and training our church members how to talk about Christ in the workplace. How to share the gospel through their personal stories, how to include people in there serving opportunities.

Discipleship starts when we begin to turn heads towards Christ, not just when one has a full conversion experience.

Having an equipping and training model in your church is key for sending out- not only professional missionaries that can work full-time but also individual day to day people who live a missional lifestyle. We are all called to go, we are all required to make disciples, we are all on the same expectations of sharing Christ.

So, how are you equipping your church to go into their workplace? How are you equipping your church to go into their neighborhood? How are you equipping in your church to make connections in their already existing relationships?


Here2There would love to help you be intentional and create an equipping and multiplying environment. CONTACT US NOW to evaluate your current equipping model, and establish a sending model with those who already GO out daily.

Missionary Care Mini-course

We will dive deep into the who, what, where, when, and why of missionary care, unpacking practical strategies and biblical principles that equip your church to support missionaries through every stage of their journey.