Here2There recently sent me to a Missions Funding Conference put on by Support Raising Solutions. It was a rewarding week of workshops, networking , and learning about the importance of funding from some of the top trainers in the country. I was privileged to hear speakers like Steve Shadrach, author of The God Ask, Steve Douglas, President of Cru & Campus Crusade for Christ International, Scott Morton, International Funding Coach for the Navigators, and others. It was truly a blessing.
My purpose for attending was to learn keys to being successfully funded, both personally and organizationally, to do the work of Missions to which God has called us.
It was an experience that will certainly help me with my work with Here2There and I trust will help others as we share basic truths and principles discovered. Since most Mission work is conducted by people needing to raise their support, these lessons can be invaluable to all of us.
A priority the truth that came out in every message and workshop was that we are not asking people for money, but giving them an opportunity to join us in The Great Commission Work to which God has called each believer. This was certainly a new way for me to look at this vital task of fundraising. One gentleman, with whom I shared several meals, expressed the same regarding his own fundraising presentation. He starts his conversation by telling the person he is seeing that he is not there to ask them to give to him today, but to share an amazing opportunity with them. When you think about it, isn’t that the truth we all should capture? Those to whom God leads us to approach about becoming a Partner in Ministry with us are being invited to do so much more than just give money.
At the opening session of the conference, Todd Ahrend, International Director for The Traveling Team, gave a dynamic history of the Missions Movement in America. Much of modern day missions in the US started with Student Ministries on college campuses.
Todd shared a quote from one of the pioneers in missions from the 1800’s, Routh Rouse, first women missionary to travel. She said, “Finish the statement, I so love that I am willing to give_________ what? A little money, a little time, a little strength – or My Life? Your gift will be the measure of your love.” What a telling truth for all of us.
As we meet with people to whom God has led us to share our ministry, we should remember that we are giving them an opportunity to express the measure of their love for God by joining us in His Great Commision work.
One thing Here2There teaches is the need for Church Partnerships between Missionaries and Churches. Both need so much more than just the sharing of finances. The relationship requires much greater connection than that. When these Partnerships are formed the benefits to each are so great. The same goes for the connections each of us desires to make as we seek Ministry Partners to join our team in doing God’s Great Commission Work. Fundraising is about so much more than just money. It’s about Partnership in Ministry.
Wayne Dinsbeer
Church Partnership Lead