A few weeks ago my Grandson, Aidan, competed in the Florida High School Activities Association State Track Meet for Pole Vaulting. He has only been jumping a little over a year, but has tremendous determination to develop this skill. He has done well with it, winning Districts and qualifying for Regional and State competition.
In trying to encourage him as he prepared for this experience, Donna (my wife) and I threw him a one man Pep Rally at PDQ restaurant. We gave him a goody bag with various items to help him think and feel positive as he approached this event.
One item was a story of inspiration about another high school pole vaulter, Michael Stone, who competed for the Junior Olympics. He had desired to jump his entire life. His mom encouraged him; took him to endless practices and events; made sure he had what he needed, even when she couldn’t afford it. She was the ultimate cheerleader for him.
Michael tells of his excitement and anxiety as he was on the runway preparing to jump. All kinds of thoughts were running through his head as his nerves caused muscles to tighten. The thing that calmed his fears and nerves were the words of his Mom in his head that said you have this, just do what you have prepared to do, I believe in you. These reassuring thoughts enabled him to set a new Junior Olympics record for this event.
The miracle of the story is that Michael Stone is blind.
Like Michael’s life, there are always obstacles to overcome. Satan will be certain of that. Whether they be of a physical or spiritual nature, God is always able to pave the way for us to Fly High above any obstacle and accomplish His purpose in our life.
What Michael Stone accomplished is an example of how we are to trust the working of God in our life to carry us to victory against any odds. His Word is our Trainer, His Power is our Strength, His Will is our Guide. He desires for us to be Victorious. Like Michael on the runway, the key is listening to His voice in the face of adversity and challenge.
As Here2There Ministries works with the many Missionaries and Church Leaders in the US and abroad, we see that Christian Leaders are not immune to the obstacles of life and ministry. The percentage of Missionaries , Pastors, and other full time Christian workers who call it quits each year due to stress in ministry or family is very high. Surveys show these often feel like they are doing ministry “all alone”. Such obstacles can easily become barriers to accomplishing the Vision and Mission God has placed in hearts.
H2T promotes a different approach to doing ministry we call “Church Partnership”. This focuses on closing the gap between the Missionary in the field (whether it be foreign or community) and the resources in the pews (Church).
Church Partnerships address the real needs on six levels of those doing missions: Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Relational, Intellectual, & Financial.
H2T has developed training materials to help Missionaries and Churches meet these needs and overcome many of these barriers by establishing a better way of doing Missions in Partnership. I encourage you to check us out further at www.here2there.org. Contact H2T to get your Mission Partnerships going today!
Oh yea, Aidan competed well at State and came in sixth in the State of Florida in High School Men’s Pole Vaulting, which is pretty good for a 10th grader. Olympics here we come. Can you tell we are Proud Grandparents!!!
Wayne Dinsbeer
Church Partnership Lead