In late May, early June of this year I met with Stefanie Nicholson to discuss Here2There and the needs that exist within the organization. I had raised money for mission trips, went on a mission trip (Mexico 2012) and volunteered at events for the organization, but I really didn’t know what we do. After a few more meetings we determined that my skills and background were suited for the day to day operations, but I still really didn’t know what we do. Not until we opened our home, hosted our team and our Haiti partners, Beverly and Rachael, did I really come to know and understand what we actually do. Hearing their story, their needs and how we help did I truly understand our role. Hearing Beverly talk about partnership both in Haiti as well as in the states emphasized to me our main goal, connecting the missionary in the field with the church here at home. Hearing her talk about the effects they have and the love they share with children and families reminded me where the missionaries focus needs to be. That focus needs to be on their mission and not their funding. It needs to be on those around them and what God called them to do. 

As Operations Manager my role in our organization is to insure our focus is on our mission and not the process. Walking our team through Traction, a book that focuses on business principles and processes, will give us insight so we can streamline our processes, Increase our bandwidth, and duplicate at every level. We are preparing so we can help more missionaries like Beverly be on mission, help more churches be on mission, and help people like you share in building the kingdom of God.

A few weeks ago I asked the question, “Where does the business stop and ministry begin?” As we continue to grow in our quest to be better in business, we have learned that when we are about our Father’s business, we are in the middle of ministry. The more effective we are, the more He is glorified in all that we do. We are preparing for the wave. The wave of churches that catch the vision of “Being on Mission.” The wave of missionaries that understand the power of partnership and connection to their supporting churches. The wave of financial partners that catch the vision and want to support our mission. The wave of volunteers that want to do what I did before taking a greater role in the organization. The wave of prayer partners that believe.

Once you learn what we do, and the impacts we make on His Kingdom, the more you want to be a part of the wave, part of the Great Commission. 

Wayne Pierce

Operations Lead

Missionary Care Mini-course

We will dive deep into the who, what, where, when, and why of missionary care, unpacking practical strategies and biblical principles that equip your church to support missionaries through every stage of their journey.