“Christmas is a time for being thankful, Christmas is a time for saying “Praise the Lord”, Christmas is a time for counting blessings of the year, and only time when you can feel that special Christmas cheer.” Lyrics to a song (if I recall them correctly) that I sang as a teenager in a church musical. I recall them virtually every year and somehow that last stanza hadn’t stood out as much as it has this season. Yes, we are always thankful and say “Praise the Lord” as we look back on what God has given us, the grace we have been shown and the Love He has given us through so many, but why is it the only time we feel that “Christmas Cheer”? Is Christmas the only time it is shown? Or, is it the only time we look for it to be shown?

The celebration of Christmas, birth of our Savior, Christ introduced to the world, wise men traveling far, shepherds leaving their sheep, carols, trees, gifts, programs, food, fun, fellowship, Santa,elf on a shelf, decorations, travel, time with family and friends. It’s so easy to cram all of this into that little bucket of time and say we celebrated, did our part and said thank you Jesus for coming into the world. Then the new year, new goals, new ideas, new _ (fill in the blank) take over and that “Cheer” is gone.

As that Operations Lead for Here2There I know all too well about those new ideas, new goals, etc. so I am the first that needs to realize spreading the good news of Christ coming into the world needs to continue after the celebration. I also realize that both across the street and across the ocean people are waiting to hear the good news and feel that Christmas Cheer today and into 2020. We have planned, been challenged, and am looking forward to what God has laid before us to accomplish. We have new partners and contacts around the globe spreading the good news of Jesus. Now we need you more than ever to Pray, Give, and Go. Pray Matthew 9:38, to send out laborers into his harvest. Give so that those that are willing, can Go. Let’s all commit that we will spread Christmas Cheer throughout 2020 so “That all may know Him”.

Wayne Pierce – Operations Lead

Missionary Care Mini-course

We will dive deep into the who, what, where, when, and why of missionary care, unpacking practical strategies and biblical principles that equip your church to support missionaries through every stage of their journey.