When I finally decided to give up control of my life and live for God I had a revelation. You see, before that happened my whole existence pretty much predicated on my comfort. Every thing I did was to ensure that I was comfortable. I worked at a job, one that I didn’t even really like that much, so that I could make money to get stuff that I wanted. I was involved in church but only to a certain degree. I served in a ministry where I didn’t have to go too much out of my way or be challenged spiritually. I didn’t dig too deep in the church’s affairs. I also never really let people get close enough to me that they might actually see the real me. Even in the misery of it at times it was a misery that I knew and felt like I could control.
I was comfortable.
When the Lord finally broke through to me I had a very hard time and very real revelation about being comfortable. It occurred to me that God doesn’t exist in your comfort. Don’t get me wrong, He’s always there but he’s not likely to show up in any meaningful way. I don’t believe God wants us to be too comfortable. In comfort there’s no need for him, we can rely on ourselves and take care of everything. It’s only once we get out of our comfort zone that we start to seek God.
Here in America we have the ability to be comfortable all the time. I was never really in a situation I felt like I couldn’t control. It wasn’t until I went on a mission trip that I was asked to do something way outside of my comfort zone. In that moment there was sheer panic. I had no idea what to do or how to do it and there was only one thing left to do: pray. Then, something incredible happened, God said, “I’ve got this.”
I have experiences where God has shown up in my life. When I look back there are times where all I can say is God was there because there’s no way I could have done that on my own. If you want to see God show up in your life you have to give in the opportunity and he is far less likely to do something and we’re far less likely to notice in the comfort of our day to day routines. Find out what God is asking you to do that is outside of your comfort zone. If you want to see God do something amazing you have to let him lead you to something crazy. If Peter never steps out of the boat he never would have walked on water. What “boat” is Jesus calling you to step out of?