Thank you for your prayers and giving as our team made a quick trip to Kenya. During our time with the Horne’s we visited several ministry sites, met with local leaders and talked about the next steps and vision of the ministry.
Jim and Susie have been serving in Mombasa for over 30 years and have seen God grow the work tremendously. They have 3 main ministry sites, with churches, schools, bible colleges, children’s homes, feeding centers and a soon to be crisis pregnancy center. The lives that are being changed through these works are innumerable.
Our purpose in going to Kenya, was to see the work for our selves. See what was happening, see what the next phase of ministry is and see how we can better connect the local church as well as the US church to join in the work that is happening. We believe in partnership – The Church – operating in full capacity in all areas of the world, hand in hand with the missionaries and the ministries they are connected with.
God has filled our churches with talents and gifts that are overflowing, needing to be used to further the kingdom!
So, now that we are back, we are constructing a strategic partnership strategy that will help gain greater support from the church body there in Mombasa as well as the church body in the US. This will ensure the ministry continues to grow, making a kingdom impact and will out live the Hornes.

Missionary Care Mini-course

We will dive deep into the who, what, where, when, and why of missionary care, unpacking practical strategies and biblical principles that equip your church to support missionaries through every stage of their journey.