Springtime brings spring cleaning, spring planting, and for some of us baseball. A recent trend in Major League Baseball is a hitter’s walk up music. This has quickly become their identifier, their get in the groove moment, their opportunity to intimidate the opposing pitcher. Some hitters have chosen rock n roll, some country, some even Christian music to identify themselves.

Well one Texas Ranger has chosen Baby Shark as his walk up song. Unless you have been under a rock or don’t have toddlers in your family you may not know, Baby Shark doo doo doo doo doo, or be able to finish the tune. Being one of those people not knowing the song, you may be the envy of many reading this. Baby Shark is either loved or tolerated by many. In the debut of his new walkup song, because it’s his sons favorite, Elvis Andrus calmly walks up and proceeds to hit a homerun. That was not only memorable, but it is now known. 

Now I am sure if you made it this far in the reading, you are asking what this have to do with missions or the church. Well I am glad you are still with me. 

How well do you know your missionaries? Do you know them as well as you know a baseball player by his walkup music? Do you know them as well as you may know a song lyric or even the hand motions? That is a stretch, but since I mentioned it, many will remember Elvis Andrus because of Baby Shark, his identifier. 

Each and every missionary you or your church supports needs to be identified. Make it personal, like a walkup song. Make it known so that when you hear that area of the world discussed or mentioned you stop for a moment and pray for them. Make them known in your church so when a need is presented every member knows them or at least is familiar with them. Make it known so that when a letter comes from them there is excitement to hear details of the successes, or knowledge that a need is being presented and you are prepared to react. Knowing our missionaries is the first step to supporting them. Knowing their needs, their birthdays, their kids’ birthdays and maybe even anniversaries are even better. Knowing what they are doing, what they are planning and understanding their struggles, now you are getting to know them. Check out our S.I.T. program if you need help. If you don’t know your local churches missionaries or don’t have any identified, please help us get in touch with your church leadership. Acts 1:8 is the Great Commission and in order to see it fulfilled we must be on mission, both at home, across the street, across town, and around the globe.

What would your walkup song be? I know mine would be, Until the Whole World Hears.

Wayne Pierce

Operations Lead

Missionary Care Mini-course

We will dive deep into the who, what, where, when, and why of missionary care, unpacking practical strategies and biblical principles that equip your church to support missionaries through every stage of their journey.