I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. 7 So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. 8 He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor. 9 For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building. I Corinthians 3:6-9 ESV
Recently my wife and I were driving past our old neighborhood and decided to drive through and see how much, if anything, had changed. We built in a new development in 2012 expecting to live and grow there. But desires changed thus, we sold and bought another house.
Driving by the previous home we were overwhelmed by the growth of the palm tree and cypress we had planted. The cypress that was maybe 4 feet tall when it was added is now taller than the first story roof. The palm tree that once was in a three-gallon container, now had fans six feet wide and is itself as tall as the cypress at the opposite corner. Neither of these were from seed, but we planted them.
As Paul wrote to the Church at Corinth concerning their division, he used the analogy of planting. Verse seven reads; “So, neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything”…. And in this case, we weren’t anything but the previous owner who stuck some plants from a local store in the ground. Yet now there is a huge tree on each corner of the home providing beauty and color. We didn’t study the ground or have the soil tested. We maybe researched what plants would thrive in our climate zone, but we really didn’t know if these particular plants would survive. We did, however, make an impact that is being felt by those that now live there and those around.
We at Here2There strive to plant in good ground. With-in our ampd program the strategy and demographic study shows each member church where fertile ground is in their immediate area. It brings to light who lives around them. Are there young couples trying to make a start? Is there a group of immigrants in the area that may need help with English or other cultural needs? What are the needs of their community and how can they meet those needs with the Gospel?
Does your church have a strategy that reaches your community? If you don’t know, maybe you should ask. Maybe your church is waiting on you to step up, ask the right questions that gets you and the Body of Christ planting. Planting so the Holy Spirit can water and you see growth that comes from God. Let us help you and your church do what Paul and Apollos did at Corinth.
Wayne Pierce
Operations Lead