Developing a Missions DNA

by Wayne Dinsbeer

When we think of DNA our mind quickly focuses on the chromosome makeup of our bodies. Science tells us the slightest of alterations in this chemical structure changes our physical and psychological existence in extreme ways.

Have you ever thought about the DNA (chemical makeup) of your church or mission? Some “ministry chromosomes” we may consider vital to this DNA might include Worship, Children’s Ministry, Outreach, Discipleship, just to name a few items. The inclusion of one area of ministry but the lack of another could alter the shape of ministry in your church or mission in a huge way.

The DNA column of chromosomes determines the LIFE that will exist. Comparing this to the church or missions endeavor, the components of the DNA ministry all come together to form “The Mission” of the church or mission. All things done,(Worship, Children’s ministry, Outreach, Discipleship, and more) are all about accomplishing The MISSION.

You see, Missions isn’t just about sending people overseas somewhere, it’s equally about sending our own members across the street to reach the surrounding community.

Someone said, “A Missionary is not someone who crosses the sea, but is anyone who sees the Cross”.  Every aspect of ministry in the church or mission should be viewed and treated with the realization it is All about Missions!

Here2There works with a church that came to this realization about a year ago. The Pastor cast a new vision which set the priority for Missions throughout the entire scope of ministry. They established an Acts 1:8 Vision and defined their goals, plans, and strategy to reach their Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and Uttermost (JJSU). 

Last September this congregation participated in an outreach effort to place the gospel in every home in their city. They were assigned parts of two zip codes in which the church was located. The Prayer Team led the congregation in fervent prayer for this work. Each one in their JJSU Teams came together for what they called “Saturate Saturdays in September” to prepare, train, and distribute the gospel packets. Over 75 people from all ages came out each week. 7,000+ homes were reached in their area.

Did I mention their church attendance was averaging around 100 at the time. They recognized Missions is the DNA of the church.

This week we want to develop further this concept that everything done by the church is a part of the DNA of Missions for the church or mission endeavor.

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