There are several implied considerations assumed in this title alone. First, that your church or ministry is concerned about “Missions”. Second, that this concern is strong enough to call for a “Plan” to engage in a Mission process. Third, that someone in the church or ministry is taking “Ownership” of said process. Fourth, that all the prior statements are true and there is a need to mobilize members requiring “Resources” to accomplish the task at hand. I trust that each of these is verily in place where you serve.
When we consider the topic of “Resourcing” a Mission Plan, thoughts immediately go to the area of finances and budgets. While this is certainly a part of the equation, it’s not the only part or even the most important. When the Apostle Paul is teaching his Epistle to the Romans in chapter 10 of his concern for the gospel to go to the Gentiles, he challenges them with a series of questions for them to give serious thought.
- Vs 14 How shall they call on Him In whom they have not believed?
- Vs 14 How shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?
- Vs 14 How shall they hear without a preacher?
- Vs 15 How shall they preach unless they are sent?
Then he wraps up this time of questioning with a statement about the beauty of the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things.
Paul was seeking to set forth a plan to get the work of Missions done in his time, to a new group of hearers. In this did you hear him say anything about money? Sure we understand that it took then, and takes now, funding to do this work. But Paul’s priority in this was to get people to realize that there is a job to be done, a way to do it, a plan for it to get done, and a means we can get involved. Paul’s focus was on People responding to the need to Go, as Jesus had commanded in Matthew 28.
When thinking about the work of “Missions” the funding is probably the easiest part of the work. That’s why a majority of churches and ministries “Give” more to missions than they “Send” people to “Do” missions. The hard part is what Paul was seeking to do as he challenges those listening in Romans 10 – getting “Buy-in” from others about the need for the message of Salvation to be carried to those who have not heard, by those called and sent. It’s the same challenge we have today.
My wife is a teacher by profession. Ask her what “Resourcing” looks like. She won’t respond with talk about budgets, she’ll start telling you all the items it will take to teach a lesson or illustrate a truth being shared. She’ll talk about the books and materials it will take as well as the support from co-teachers, teacher aids, administration, and most importantly Parents.
When we speak of resourcing missions it is all the supportive cast of which we are speaking. At Here2There we teach about Missionary Care (MC) and the importance a church and ministry should place on this. The main vehicle for MC is what we call the MST – Mission Support Team. The MST is a team of members trained in the different aspects in which a missionary and family need the continued care, partnership, and support from a Partner church.
Here is the makeup of the MST:
- Lead person who coordinates the activities of the team and is the main (not only) point of contact with the missionary and family.
- Administrator who helps organize various care needs for the missionary.
- Educator sees that information coming from the missionary is shared with members in the church.
- Prayer Leader makes sure all information about the daily needs and challenges being faced by all family members of the missionary are being prayed for by members daily.
- Finance person assists with any funding needed by the missionary either on a regular operating basis, project need, or special situation need.
- Mobilization person takes charge of recruiting and sending others to work with the Missionary at any time there is a need.
Let me add by saying these six people who make up the MST for a Missionary are not that missionary’s work force, in charge of getting all these things done for the missionary. They are the Liaison between the Missionary and Members in the church on behalf of that missionary. They are the Coaches and Cheerleaders to see that the Missionary and family are fully Cared for and “RESOURCED” for getting the work of ministry done while maintaining a sense of love, care, and connectivity with those back home.
I pray you understand a little more about resourcing the mission plan in your church and ministry. It’s about a lot more than “money”. It’s about wrapping your arms of love and care around those who are sharing the gospel with others, often in a foreign culture, who need your care.