Our third rule in partnerships is Big Victories – for both the church and missionaries. Often times when we consider victories in missions we think the missionaries is the only winner. Well, in partnerships both the church and the missionaries will see great results and great benefits as they work together in their strategic partnership.

H2T uses the term Strategic Partnership because through strategic partnerships missions is no longer a one-way street where the missionary is always on the receiving side. In a strategic partnership both the church and the missionary are contributing to an overall vision and both are seeing positive results. They both see positive results because the missionary is also contributing to the vision of the church in the process.

When churches and missionaries work hand in hand toward a common goal both sides will see benefits along the way.

  • Church – your people are gaining exposure as they serve in a new culture or context. They will be challenged to share the gospel in a new way, using their gifts, given a new perspective and opening themselves up to what God is doing world-wide. THEN, they return that energy and exposure and excitement back to their church body.
  • Missionary – specifically matched needs with resources of the church body, long-term partnership to develop and grow the ministry as well as a chance to share your cross-cultural training with others.


“As a partner it is your duty to make sure the people you are partnering with are successful”


Churches, there is a great benefit from strategically partnering with your missionaries. As you give of your time and most importantly of your people, God will begin to expose your church to greater vision of what he is doing around the world. This exposure to the moving of the Holy Spirit in a new light will create a fire among your church bringing revival in ways you couldn’t have planned or asked for. Individuals in your church will now be able to take ownership for these missionaries they’ve worked side by side with, they will take initiate to be their ambassadors and work with them along the way. This gives the church more individual leadership and allows the missionary to get beyond the leadership surface into the body of the church where the majority of resources lie.

Missionaries, as you join in strategic partnerships you will be accomplishing your vision as well as help meet the vision and strategy of your partnership churches. You become a conduit for the churches, giving opportunity and exposure to their people as they come and serve with you, or help you from home. You, along with the churches, must think about each other in a new light and mindset as team members that need each other to make it all happen.


Missed Part 1 or 2 of our series on The Rules of Partnership? You can find them HERE

If you need help creating your strategic partnership to get big victories, please contact H2T today for your free DNA evaluation.

Missionary Care Mini-course

We will dive deep into the who, what, where, when, and why of missionary care, unpacking practical strategies and biblical principles that equip your church to support missionaries through every stage of their journey.